We are industry leaders in campaign
Quality Control
Running large-scale voter registration, voter contact, and signature gathering canvasses comes with risk.
Accusations of fraud can harm your ability to accomplish your goals and, worse, can threaten the existence of your program or organization.
A robust quality control program can help you to spot potential problems quickly, investigate issues, identify canvassers who should not be working for you, and log evidence supporting canvassers who are doing their jobs well. It can also help you strengthen data collection on your program and improve the quality of your work long-term.
To audit your work for quality,
our staff at The Outreach Team can visually review every single voter registration form, signature, or voter contact shift to identify potential patterns of similar handwriting, fraudulent-sounding names, unusual shift data, or incomplete applications. We then call a sample of the canvassers’ contacts to verify the information and collect feedback on the person’s experience with the canvasser.
Most importantly, we write detailed daily and weekly reports that help you better manage your staff, identify the canvassers who are excellent messengers in the field, and help the staff who are struggling. We help you to build stronger relationships with local and state elections officials and generate more campaign product.
Why Hire The Outreach Team
for QC?
More organizations are moving in the direction of hiring someone outside their organization to audit their work. You don’t want to be in a situation where the person doing QC sits right next to the canvasser whose work they are reviewing. An audit from an impartial third party removes all real or perceived bias.
Since 2017, we have reviewed over a million voter registration cards and ballot initiative signatures and thousands of voter contact canvass shifts on behalf of 501c3 and 501c4 organizations in fifteen states.
Over the last five years, we have built ways for our staff to review scans of the forms, call from local area codes, customize reports on trends in your program, and share that information with your central and field staff in an actionable format while minimizing the time spent on QC in the field.
We are available for weekly check-in calls with organizations to review our weekly reports and to discuss trends. We are also available for in-person and online trainings.
We will use scripts that are approved by you, and make sure our staff are well-trained in talking about the work your organization is doing. Most of our callers are currently fluent in Spanish and we can add staff that speak other languages if need be. If there are particular data points or statistics you’d like to see or questions you’d like us to ask of applicants, we can work with you to get you what you need. We are a nimble team and we want to learn about your program and be helpful in whatever way makes sense for your organization.
Hiring the hourly staff, purchasing the technology, and managing the whole QC system can get expensive for small groups or operations. At scale, we can keep the costs down for you and take away the headache of bringing on additional short-term and part-time staff.
Contact us for more information on how our QC Department can improve your program.